Troy Haley
Legal Services Director, Tennessee Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims
Troy Haley is Legal Services Director for the State of Tennessee’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. He has been with the Bureau since 2007, whereas a Workers’ Compensation Specialist and Administrator’s Designee he conducted hearings and issued determinations regarding temporary disability and medical benefits, reviewed and approved workers’ compensation settlement agreements, and mediated workers’ compensation disputes. Since June 2014 he has served as administrative counsel for the Bureau and legislative liaison for the Bureau and Governor’s office. He provides legal counsel to the Bureau Administrator and Medical Director and to other Bureau program areas. He drafts rules and legislation and works with the Governor’s Office and the General Assembly to advance the administration’s legislative agenda. He is a native of east Nashville and is a graduate of Stratford High School. He received his B.A. degree from David Lipscomb College, his M.A. degree from Tennessee State University, and his J.D. degree from the University of Memphis. He has been licensed to practice law in Tennessee since 1992. He has been a Rule 31 mediator since 2008. Prior to his state service, he worked as staff counsel for a title insurance company and was also in private practice