Chinedum Mogbo, MBBS, MsHIM, RHIA, CDIP, CCDS, CCS
CDI Manager, Tenet Healthcare
Chinedum Mogbo, MBBS, MsHIM, RHIA, CDIP, CCDS, CCS, is CDI manager at Tenet Healthcare in Dallas, where she has been involved in the successful development of the in-house CDI training curriculum. Previously managing CDI, coding, and coding auditors, she also worked as a CDI training director for a California-based health system. She actively participates in the CDIP and RHIA exam item writing with AHIMA and serves as co-chair of the AHIMA CDI practice council, working on many projects that provide guidance to the industry—the most recent being updating the Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice, a joint publication between ACDIS and AHIMA. She is a current member of the ACDIS Advisory Board and the ACDIS Diversity & Inclusion Task Force.