2021 Recruiting Virtual Master Class: Screening Candidates –
A Tactical Training

June 22, 2021 | 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST | Virtual

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Imagine: You’ve found that purple squirrel, he or she checks all the boxes for the role you’re trying to fill, and you’ve just scheduled the first phone interview… now what do you do?

How do you start the conversation? What types of questions do you ask? Do you have the candidate elaborate on his or her answers? And if so, what happens if the answers he or she provides still don’t paint the whole picture?

These questions are all too common when it comes to conducting phone screenings. And too often we hear of what we should be doing in our candidate qualification calls, and not how to actually execute on any of it. So, what’s the best way to conduct candidate phone screenings?

In this 1-day, HYPER-interactive training (role-playing optional), Mike “Batman” Cohen will share his best practices for screening and submitting candidates. Batman will offer a real hard look at the first point of human contact recruiters have with candidates so you can set the stage for their expectations with your company upfront.

You’ll also learn:

  • What questions to ask,
  • How to ask these questions,
  • How to dig deeper in the conversation to get the insights you need,
  • What technologies to use when conducting candidate outreach, and
  • The best/most-effective ways to submit qualified candidates to the applicant pool.


If you focus on candidate experience (CX), speak to candidates, manage a team that does, or you like to laugh (and aren’t offended by the occasional swear word or joke), come join us for this entertaining event!

Agenda At A Glance

June 22, 2021
12:00-12:05 p.m.
Presenter Introduction
12:05-1:00 p.m.
That's a Great Question!
1:15-2:15 p.m.
Role-Playing the Candidate Experience
2:30-4:00 p.m.
Tech Tools to Help You Interview Qualified Candidates